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How it all started:


It was in the middle of the night, after experiencing two back to back deaths, the Lord spoke to Youth Pastor Taquoya Porter and said, "Press. Prayer reaches every single situation." With that God started a prayer movement initiated by the youth of Turning Point Family Worship Center that has gone beyond church walls. This movement has included prayer challenges, building a curriculum, clubs throughout the country, conferences and more. It has been blessed to reach thousands.


For the rest of the details listen to the first episode of the PRESS Movement Podcast. (The podcast is currently only available in English.)



Our God is a real God and He does real things! No matter the situation or challenges, we want everyone to know God is listening for your voice and has the power to reach you and save you. Through clubs, small groups, podcast, conferences and books- we are telling the world that Jesus is God and he wants to hear your voice! 


We seek to build and support a community of believers in Jesus Christ through teaching and training them to teach others.

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